Greek White Marble

The company “MARBLE OURGANTZIDIS S.A.” is operating under the trade name DESIGNSTONE and is acting since 1983 in the field of natural stones.

The main activity of DESIGNSTONE - MARBLE OURGANTZIDIS S.A. is the extraction of Greek white marble blocks from our own quarry where we produce two types of marble. These two types are Pighes White marble and Volakas White marble. Pighes White marble is similar to Ariston White marble or Thassos White marble from Greece or even Sivec White marble. On the other hand Volakas White marble is more like the Italian marble Calacatta.

Our quarry is in the province of Drama in north Greece. North Greece is known all over the world as an important stone center of white marble. This is because in North Greece there are many important marbles that decorate countless projects like Ariston White marble, Venus White marble, Kyknos White marble, Victory White marble, Thassos White marble, Prinos White marble, Bianco Venus marble, Bianco Venatino marble, Sivec White marble, Polaris White marble, Pirgon White marble, Nestos White marble, Golden Spider marble and many others.

We extract our marble in a surface of approximately 200.000 m2. The reserves in this area are more than 1.000.000 m3 and this is why we can guarantee that we can fulfill any project regardless of the quantity. The annual production of DESIGNSTONE - MARBLE OURGANTZIDIS S.A. is approximately 6.000 m3. More than 60% of this quantity is sold directly from the quarry in the form of blocks in order to be processed locally by our partners across the globe.

The headquarters of DESIGNSTONE - MARBLE OURGANTZIDIS S.A. is in our own premises in Thessaloniki in an area of 30.000 m2 where 14.000 m2 is covered space as two different buildings. One building is the production unit with the most up to date machinery and the other building hosts our showroom and warehouse. Our annual capacity in slabs, tiles and cut to sizes is more than 100.000 m2 of carefully selected products. In our factory besides Volakas White marble and Pighes White marble which comes from our own quarry we also process marbles from partnered quarries like Thassos White marble, Ariston White marble, Sivec White marble, Bianco Venus marble, Polaris White marble, Nestos White marble, Kyknos White marble, Pirgon White marble, Bianco Venatino marble, Victory marble, Golden Spider marble, Venus White marble, Prinos White marble and many others.  

The latest technology that DESIGNSTONE - MARBLE OURGANTZIDIS S.A. uses in the machinery in combination with our skilled workers have achieved the best result in each phase of our production process. However, we never stop researching and developing in order not only to stay as one important player in the Greek marble sector but to get always one step ahead of our global competitors.